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Friday, March 6, 2020

Another day another emergency

Well on the work yesturday my car decided to die.  I've taken it in and the first estimates are $1,000 to fix turbo hoses. 

I called the wife and had a good talk about. Do we keep this 12 year old car or do we sell/trade-in to get a used car that works as a communter. Or do we keep it now and get it fixed and start looking to sell and in a year or so get a car after we have saved for awhile. 

broken car – I Am Grateful! How Are You?

I've kepts very good book  keeping on the car and when back to see over the life of the car how much I've spend on Servies i.e. things breaking.  In the 12 years I've owned the car I've spend $12k.  About $1k a year which isn't awesome, but it actually is worst then that.  For the first 7 years the car was under warrenty.  4 of it manufactures and 7 extended.  The extended was 3k.  So for 8 years of used I sent $15k to make sure it still ran so ~$1.9k a year.  After looking at these numbers it is becomig hard to keep my paid off car that I love.

Love live the three pedal cars.

I am every torn on buy a car.  For one I like buying very good things and keeping them a long time. I take very good care of my things and expect them to last forever.  So buying used it very difficult on me, but I know from an financial stance it is the best thing to do.

With two kids and a dog a sedan is becoming a little tough moving everyone around.  If I had my choice of new cars today I would want a Tesla Y, but those are expensive. I've looked at used model 3s and they seem to have kept there value so not much of a discount.

Current plan it is to start taking pictures on my car and look to sell it. Then depending on when it is sold; live off one car for awhile and then an a year or two buy a car that best fits out needs.  Maybe by then I will feel better (I'm smarter) about buying a used car. 

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