So my 12 year car has been going into the shop more more over the last couple of years. Finally after my latest maintenance they quoted some repairs that exceeded the current worth of the car $8k. Now my wife was been trying to get me to replace it for awhile. One because of the cost and second she couldn't really dive it; due to it being a manual. So when a engine light came on I sadly came to the realization it was time.
We talked about different ways to do it. Can we go to one car. No even though we work close to each other our schedules were different enough it would of been very stressful. Do I ride a bike to work. We live about 8 miles from work, but it is mostly street driving and trail would take over an hour to get to work. My wife didn't like that idea, plus it snows here. So only option is to get a new car.
One of my many flaws is I like to get new things and keep them forever. With our current expenses and having a nanny this year I knew it wasn't in the cards. So I looked at used cars in the Goldie Locks zone of 3-5 years old. This is were the cars lose most of it's value, but still have warranty and have lower miles. I found one in great shape in the price range we were looking for with very low miles. The only optical would be how much my car would trade-in for. No matter what I buy I like to keep it in the best shape as possible. If it wasn't for an older body style you would of sworn it was new. Awesome car and I still like looking at it walking away. This was truly hard and I've gone through so much in the car. I though I would keep it forever. Sadly timing made that not possible and the reliability was becoming an issues and increase cost of repairs.
So I took a day off of work and now I have a new "new to me" car. It is a great little car not as nice as my old one, but as my wife says the technology brings me into this century.
I know in the FIRE community loans are not good and you should only buy what you have in cash. I was fully intending to buy this car in cash. This would of required me to sell stocks and wait a week or so for all the transferring. I went to the dealerships site and looked for discounts. I noticed for the CPO (Certified Pre-Owned) they had $500 off if you previously took our at loan with them. Which is fine, but not worth it at a 2-7% interest rate, but then I see this cooperate discount of 36 month 0.9% interest rate if you previously finances in the past 10 years and get a CPO of 2017-2018 which I was. In fact I paid off my old loan 9 years ago. So I couldn't turn down .9% interest plus 500 credit. That actually put me ahead by $150 since the total interest amount was $350. I don't think anyone can criticize me for that one.
The family love the car and kids think it is great. I feel like a lost a friend and miss that old car. But that is life and I'm sure I will grow to maybe not love the car, but at least enjoy it. Being on the path to FIRE doesn't mean you can always do what you want, but making smart choices can help you live the life you want to live.