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Thursday, February 4, 2021

Knowledge is Power

I was never someone who sat down an read a book/blog or whatever.  While time moves on I do want to understand what interests me more.  Until we can just inject the information in our heads. I think there is really only three ways to do it.  Reading (or touch), listening, or watching.  I personally think reading and listening are the two best. Watching either on TV or PC is to distracting and doesn't seem to sink in as much.   

I started to read books for personal enjoyment in my late 20s. The Four Pillars of Personal Finance by William J. Bernstein said it perfectly.  "Personal finance/investing can be quite boring or dry to due to the content."  He recommended you read the educational book for a chapter or so then switch to another type of book that you enjoy. I know some people can just plow through non-fiction books while others need a break to not get bored.  I have found it to work very well in keeping my interest up in some books that has great information, but it was either very long and full of numbers and such.

I list of must reads or listen.

  1. 'A Beginner's Guide to Investing: How to Grow Your Money the Smart and Easy Way' by Alex Frey
    • This explains the concepts very well and helps you understand all the terms
  2. ‘The Little Book of Common Sense Investing’ by John C. Bogle - Audio booked this one
  3.  'The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing' by Taylor Larimore, Mel Lindauer, and Michael LeBoeuf
  4. 'The Richest Man in Babylon' by George S Clason - Audio booked this one
  5. 'ChooseFI: Your Blueprint to Financial Independence' by Chris Mamula, Brad Barrett, and Jonathan Mendonsa
 The more I learn about personal finance and investing the more you release you don't know.  You hear stocks, bond, put, and short all the time. But do you really know what they are?  You know what a budget is and they are important, but do you know why?   I find the best time for me to improve in walking my dog. I listen to podcasts or audio-books exclusively on my 30-40min walks. Exercise and knowledge. Enjoy.

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